Earn 65$/Signup! Earn
Money Online Without Website
It will take your couple of minutes so please don't miss any point read the article carefully. I will share with you a lot of tips tricks that will help you be successful and will help you to send me an email in a couple of weeks telling me about your success story.
So what is the strategy for today is simply it's about getting a link a url then promoting that url and whenever someone signs up through your link you'll earn between 65 and 100 dollars do you believe this per sign up. So please don't tell me you can't get two or three sign ups per weak.
If you are working two or three hours a day following the strategy i will show you.
So, now step by step you don't have any excuse just read the article which will take a couple of minutes. Start applying start working and you will see the results.
This BLOG is not for lazy people I’m not here to share with you some scammy information like 80 percent of other Bloggers do you know here on my BLOG i share only things that i tested, i experienced, real work real online business that would help you make real money and build real business online.
So step number one is to get the link that we want to promote i will open my web browser and go to a website called “bluehost.com”.
If you are following me on my BLOG i talked about this website before bluehost and maybe you already know about it.
One of the top web hosting services online if you go here down you will see something called affiliates or here on the “top menu” we have the affiliates section. So you can “sign up” to be an affiliate for this company.
What is an affiliate?
It’s simply someone who promotes this service and you will earn a commission per sign up. You can see here you'll earn 65 dollars for each qualified sign up. What you will do now before you “click on sign up” you have to go there and open a new tab and go to medium.com.
What is medium.com?
It's simply a website that allows you to “create a blog” inside it so as i told you don't need a website. You will go to medium.com and simply just “sign up” through your “Gmail account”.
I don't want to waste time now by far by signing up and so on its super simple just sign up and then after you sign up. If you click there on your account you will see you will have this domain.
This website this blog is for you built on medium in my account “https://medium.com/me/design” and they have some articles on this website so this
So we need to get the link simply go here to links and you will see we have the link of websites which will be your link so you can use it to promote. Just copy your link copy link address i will open now notepad you would paste the link.
So this says the first step we got the link i chose “bluehost” because simply you know the payment information you need a Paypal email address to get paid don't worry if you don't have paypal.
Just stick with me strategy that if you follow up for the next couple of weeks like two or three weeks you will get traffic you will get sign ups. So i will share with you only one strategy to focus on what you are going to do is beside medium you have to go to www.quora.com.
Please some patience and stick with me.
Here in Quora “what you are going to do is first thing…is to create a space by the way. if you don't know quora it's a q and a website where people can ask and answer questions and get traffic.
We can see here you can add a question share a link and create a space forget about these two
click on create a space and simply enter your space name and description you can create a space about digital marketing about web hosting about anything that you can add content related to bluehost.
For the bluehost on like affiliate marketing digital marketing web hosting maybe web services anything related to bluehost. Where we can add content related to bluehost so in my case i have a space you can see make money online.
There i created the space a couple of months ago for account named as “junior scientist” and today i have around 7.18K in this space.
What is a quora space?
It is simply a place it's like a blog it's like a group where you can publish your own content on and what's nice about Quora spaces that if you were consistent quora will automatically promote your post and this is very important and what's also more important you can add links inside your post.
you can see people adding some short links to track clicks and you can see there they have a lot of posts that their team post inside this space so you have to create a code space, a medium blog.
Create a coder space
Accordingly, the second step or the first part of the second step so create a coder space a medium blog and then we are ready to start promoting but before we start promoting a small request please if you like my BLOGS and if you like to read more BLOGS about digital marketing online business make money online and much more. Please do me a favor hit the like button and subscribe to my BLOGS to get every new update almost every single day.
So let's start promoting we have the Quora space we have your quora account and you have the medium blog what you are going to do. Now simply is to create between five and ten mini articles related to bluehost and please focus very well here it's not any article it's not like bluehost review because a lot of you have asked me the past week and try to answer the latest questions so your answers will be seen as your first answers so you can get traffic faster and easier from quora also when you filter questions when you open the question you will see. There on Quora you need to find related questions it's almost the same question so they have almost the same answer so in this case you are going to create answer templates and it will make things a lot easier. So, every day you can answer 10 to 15 questions in like 15 minutes on quora and you can get a lot of traffic from core you can see there on my stats in my account. You can see there mine views are around 443000 views on quora and this month only 22 000 views this is very important answer questions on quora.
Now what about the Quora space what you are going to do and what i do is i create many articles or many paragraphs out of the main article. There on medium so you can see here as an example let's say this article how to get 100 subscribers if you open you can see it's somehow a mini article if you go to any blog there you will find the same article but it's more in-depth i am promoting through the Quora space.
So to sum up things you are going to create a or an article on medium promote it with quora questions create answer templates and answer the the latest questions by filtering by the past week and create mini articles and post in the quora space and link back to medium in this way you can accelerate getting more traffic and more clicks to your affiliate link.
Just be clear with one question don't use affiliate links in your quora answers you will get you will be banned just use quora to drive traffic to your main article. By the way if you have a blog you can use your blog instead of medium and to get direct to get direct traffic to your blog it's up to you so i think the idea is somehow now simple get the link.
Create quora space create medium blog answer questions link things together get traffic and you will see a lot of clicks and few sign ups and a couple of hundreds of dollars every single month in your account so following this strategy.
Every single day for two three hours will definitely get a lot of clicks for you and few sign ups and this is how you can make money from this service so and after that you can go here to stats and you will see here the next payout you can get from by using paypal and by running traffic on BLOG.
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