Number 1, Real Estate.
To me, there is nothing sexier than real estate.
Since being a very little girl, I've always wanted to have as many properties as possible.
I just find it the most fascinating thing to look at a property and think, wow, that's my money sitting in a house and that, goes up in value quite significantly if you invest in the right areas.
Also it pays you at the time when you're renting it out to tenants.
I absolutely love this strategy. It's slower, it is not as instant gratification.
There is a lot to properties, it takes time.There's lots of costs associated with it.
But to me it's just the best long-term strategy for building wealth.
At this stage, I control five different dwellings. And when I say control, it means that I am not myself owning these properties, my trust and my companies own them.
I've done a BLOG about this previously of why I've chosen to structure it this way.
So you can check that out on my BLOG.
I have three properties in Australia.
One is a duplex, so that increases the tenants by an extra one. And then also a house in Iceland. However, the house in Iceland is the one that I live in and the one that I work out of, it is a company expense.
So this one in particular, it doesn't make me cash, but the rest do can and it's paying and it is a very nice, it's just about to start. I acquired all properties in the last 12 months.
And so it's been the process of refurbishing and renovating all of the properties.
And now I'm about to start reaping the rewards of all of them paying me rental income and tenant income.
And it's just so nice because now it's finally gotten into the stage where it's purely passive.
It's such a nice reward for all the hard work of, you know, making all the money in my entrepreneurial journey then investing in the homes and renovating them. And finally, I get to reap the rewards and I know that this is just gonna continue and to continue.
As I get older I'm just gonna have these properties as a backup.
And it just feels really, really nice. However, the thing that I wanna look into is diversifying my portfolio because I don't like that the houses are just in two countries.
So I'm now looking at different countries actually. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Turkey so we'll see how that goes.
Number 2, precious metals.
I am an investor in precious metals, particularly gold and silver.
And I have these precious metals stashed in volts all over the world. I do not have them in physical possession. Maybe it's something that I'll look into in the future but this is not what I currently have. I have them scattered, I think, across four or five different countries. And I often forget that I have this, which is one of the greatest things, because to me it's not a way of making money.
You don't really get into precious metals in order to make money. It's more of a way to safeguard your wealth that you've built up in case there is hyperinflation or an economic collapse.
We've seen that throughout history, precious metals have often preserved their value.
But yes, it's important to note that you will not be making money off this investment because it
will only make you money if you sell. And, you know, it depends on whether or not the value of silver or gold for example has gone up.
So there's not a guarantee as such to make money. So I definitely don't consider this a way of making money but it is a way to hold the income that you've created for yourself.
And for me, I'm looking at this as my pension
'cause I'm not gonna be receiving a pension from the government because I've not worked for the government. And I do not care to have pension from them. So for me, this is more of my pension.
Number 3, Cryptocurrency
The world is being shaken up by this new concept of cryptocurrency.
It is shaking up the current financial system as we know it. It is making a lot of people uncomfortable because it's taking the power of institutions that have all the control and it is putting the power into people's hands.
I am still a baby investor when it comes to cryptocurrency, it is still a new game to me.
I'm still learning to understand it. I have over the years invested into cryptocurrency.
I have Litecoin, Ripple and Ethereum and Bitcoin.
Just like gold and silver, the way that you make money from cryptocurrency is oftentimes when you sell the investment. So even though my Bitcoin has quadrupled in value, over the years I have not made any money because it is still not sold.
Number 4, selling downloadable products.
This is a great way to sell the knowledge that you have inside of your brain.
And I've personally done this myself many, many times
so I've sold through Sellfy and also in my online website, I sell things such as presets for my photography when I was really heavily into that on my other YouTube channel as well as media kit templates and brand email templates.
This is a really great way to also find out what people are interested in parting money with in order to buy something from you.
Because for me, it was a lower price point and these things I was selling were not expensive at all. But it was a great research environment for me to figure out what people want from me.
Now I do have any promotion of these products at all and they just sit on my website and people come across them naturally. So I make between a couple of hundred to a couple
of thousand dollars per month from these sales, which is nice, purely passive income.
In the past when I was promoting them more, I would mention them in my YouTube videos and as well as under every single YouTube video on my main channel,
I had links for people to find out more about these items and then potentially purchase them.
There wasn't a heavy amount of promotion in them but that was a nice little income source.
Number 5, selling courses
I have spoken about this many times before about my success with courses so I'm not gonna talk about it again because I think you already know how courses are and how powerful they can be. CHeck out the range of my different videos where I talk about different ways to monetize your hobbies, your expertise and so forth.
Over time I've had five different courses and they have been a raging success.
It's just by me proactively looking at what people are interested in, hearing the comments from people.
What they're asking me, what they'd like for me to expand on, where the knowledge is that I possess and where I think I can contribute great value to the people. And then I create a course from that and make it really, really valuable, taking people from the beginning of their journey and infusing all the education that I have into their brains. So they come out successful with all that information on the other side.
Number 6, publishing deal
I am actually a bestselling author. There's links in the bio if you wanna check out my bookie,
very proud of this book.
It is awesome. I never intended to become a published author about the advanced selfie or the self portrait but the concept of blew up massively. You can see the hashtag on Instagram.
I created a course around this. I made multiple YouTube videos on my other channel about this.
And so a publisher came to me and they said, "Hey, we'd be looking for a self portrait artists
to write a book for." And so this book was created. I wrote the book, I charged a one-time fee for writing the book and then that's it.
The publisher does the complete rest. It is a really big publisher as well, it is worldwide.
It is in bookstores all around the world and they intend for this book to be just a staple going forward so not a fad, not a short-term thing but something that is gonna be relevant for years to come, which is really awesome.They're gonna just keep putting it on the bookshelves for years and years, which is really awesome. My first book but I definitely intend to write many books
in the future as well.
Number 7, Royalties
This is a very exciting concept as well because you essentially create something once or you help create something, be part of it. And then you receive royalties for that.
One way is through these books. So yes, I've written it once and I've received a paycheck for writing it.
But now if this keeps selling for the rest of time, I'm gonna receive royalties for the sales.
So that's very, very awesome. As well as me being a teacher on Skillshare. Though, I've created a course on there about YouTube mastery and for every minute that a premium member watches that course I receive income for it. And actually it's been a really nice income source. That one has been awesome. I did promote that one a few times
on my other YouTube channel. So there was popularity from that and then it boosted the course reviews. So it is one of the popular courses on the platform. So a lot of people are watching it and I get a really, really nice paycheck every single month. So royalties are awesome.
It is purely passive income.
Number 8, content sponsorship
So essentially this is something that you're all probably familiar with when an influencer
or someone online will promote a product or a brand. I have personally done this many, many times myself with “Skillshare, Squarespace, Porsche”
It is a very, very good strategy if you have a small audience, big audience.
I have had two long term clients and so I was almost guaranteed a paycheck for, you know,
producing one video a month or two videos a month.
So it was really, really, really great. This is the strategy that most influencers use.
Highly recommend it but also it is limiting because you're still waiting for somebody to pay you.
You're still working for someone essentially. So this is just one part of the strategy that I use because I want to make sure that I'm always my own boss and I'm in control of the money that I make. So I don't want to outsource that to too many people. So I don't rely too heavily on branded content.
Number 9, affiliate sales.
Affiliate sales in short, if you don't know, you're essentially selling somebody else's stuff
and you get a commission for it. In the past, I have been an affiliate for a few different brands, Amazon, Epidemic Sound, Musicbed. I have to say, I am not the biggest fan of this strategy.
Amazon, for example, they used to pay me like a hundred dollars a month or maybe every two months, it was just not working for me.
For some people it worked a lot 'cause they pushed the link a lot.
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